Down in the lab Mary and Susan had just finished making their formula and call Johnny in to test it. “It’s finally finished, said Mary.” “I know and I can wait to use it on our “lacking” boyfriends.” “But shouldn’t we test it first to make sure it works and doesn’t case any harm.” “Your right Susan, lets try it on Johnny first; I know he won’t want to miss out on this.” “Hey Johnny could you do us a favor and test the new formula for us please so we know that there are no side affects.” “I don’t know……….. what does it do.” “Well to to put it in simple terms for you it will make your male organ bigger and.” “Wait Wait Wait you’re telling me that by drinking this my dick will be huge.” That is exactly what I’m telling you, so will you do it or not. HELLS YEAH I will!!!(gulp,gulp,gulp) It will take about 2 min. to kick in so little bro go ahead a strip. What!!! Well its hard to tell it it worked if you don’t. Mary I refuse to be naked in front of you and Susan. Johnny…. don’t worry we will be very professional about it you can trust us can’t you. OK but I still don’t like it.(strip) Oh my god look hoe small it is. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Stop it, you said you two would be professional about this. Sorry OK OK OK lets see here…… initial length is 2.5 inches. Now just another 30 sec left. Mary…..Susan. Yes Johnny(in unison). I feel funny. Good that means its about to take affect. Look Mary there it goes. Holly crap we are freaking geniuses. Lets see here, wow its now 5 inches and still growing,6 inches, 7 inches, 8 inches 9 inches 10 INCHES!!!!!!! MY GOD I never would have thought it would get this size. Its freakin’ massive. Johnny how do you feel.. . ………………… Johnny ………Johnny. Susan look at Johnny. SHIT!!! Not only did his dick git huge but so did his mussels. He is now a stud muffin’. I guess the chemical must have increased all his mussel size. Anyway Johnny do you feel anything strange. Well…. i fell something but i can’t really explain it………. I fell all warm and fuzzy and and and……….Mary look his cock is getting hard. Susan your right he must be getting horny and look at full erection his cock get to be about 13 inches long . Johnny do you feel anything else. Yes it like……..its like…… its like I have to fuck something right now. Well I hate to tell you this but there is know one here for you to fuck with. Mary that is were you are wrong. What are you talking about Johnny………no wait you can’t do that. Mary what is he talking about. Susan he is going to rape us. (Wham) Johnny knocks then both out in one hit thanks to his new found mussel. ooooooooh my head…….where, where am I. Susan…..Susan are you there. She can’t hear you. She is still asleep. Johnny is that you……what are you doing and why I naked. For your first question you are still in the lab, for your second i am about to screw the shit out of you and thirdly I think you know why you are nude. Johnny stop this right now be before you do something you will regret. No I think not, but to be fair in all this I will let you choose which hole I fuck. Are you insane i choose neither cause I won’t let you plus that thing will tear me apart. Wrong answer. So for being mean I think i will start with your mouth just to shut you up. You wouldn’t da…mupppph mmu mmu. Apon stuffing his dick in her mouth there was a popping noise that meant her jaw had dislocated You were saying… suck me or I will have to use this little zapper on you at full power. (The pain of her jaw mad her scream and if not for the did would have broke glass but knowing now that he will do anything Mary had to fight through the pain or else feel even worse). Good girl and do a real good job. (man his cock tastes so gooood…wait what am I saying this is my brother I shouldn’t be doing this, but if I don’t he’ll zap me). Dame Mary you sure are good at this ooooh god if you keep this up i’ll cum soon. (Hey if I get him to cum mabye it will get him to stop). Mary than began giving the BJ of her life, she started sucking as hard as possible, then she started to lick all around the massive dick. Using her hands she started to rub his balls. Now pre-cum started to ooze form Johnnys dick and Mary tasted its saltyness and this turned her on an little. Feeling him self coming closer to climax he grabbed Marry’s head he trusted his dick into Mary’s mouth as far as it would go. Mary then started to gag as his dick hit the back of her throat, but still she kept going. Oh god Mary I gonna cum……..he unleashed his intire load in the back of her throat cause her to choke. (thank god its over, Mary thought to her self). (She was very tired form all that sucking and her jaw was still dislocated so she couldn’t talk right).That was amazing Mary, but lets see how well your pussy feels. She viontly shock her head no cause she was a virgin and that cock will rip her apart. Don’t worry your little head you’ll be fine. But before i fuck you I will first lube you up. grabbing her legs Johnny lifted her pussy up to his face and began to lick her pussy. Say sis i guess you did enjoy sucking my cock, cause you are already a little wet. Now Johnny began to lick up and down and inside her pussy tasting her sweet pussy juices. Man sis you taste wounderfull i could do this all day. After a while Johnny began to focus on her clit making her come even more wetter and closer to a orgasm. To increase her wetness Johnny began to rub her size B tits. Her nipples werea soft pink color very sinisitive to touch and made her moan in pleasure and pain. Glad to see your enjoying the pleasure sis. Breathing heavley and her pussy felling like it was on fire she cam long and hard right on Johnny’s face as she moaned. Now that your all wet lets get down to business.
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